Do you feel self-conscious about your smile? Every year, people just like you receive Invisalign® treatment with life-changing results. Our Invisalign dentist empowers patients by helping them achieve optimal teeth alignment so they can feel confident with their smiles.
You don’t have to suffer with crooked teeth when options like Invisalign make it possible to transform your smile without the restrictions of traditional metal braces.
Don’t know whether to choose Invisalign or braces? Keep reading to learn the top five reasons why Invisalign is the better option for teeth straightening.
1.) You can eat whatever you want.
You read that right. With Invisalign braces, you don’t have to omit your favorite foods from your diet during orthodontic treatment. This is especially good news if you are a fan of foods such as peanuts, caramel, apples, or carrots. You don’t have to avoid sticky and/or hard-to-chew foods when you choose Invisalign.
2.) It’s nearly invisible.
Like the name suggests, Invisalign is invisible to most people. The only exception would be if someone was standing too close to you. You can feel confident when you talk with family members, friends, or co-workers, knowing that your clear aligners can remain your little secret. Many of our patients appreciate how discrete Invisalign looks. If you are at all self-conscious about your smile, Invisalign aligners may be the perfect option for you.
3.) Invisalign is less bulky than traditional braces.
Traditional braces can stick out, irritating your gums. In comparison, Invisalign trays fit snugly over your teeth to create an inconspicuous look. Wearing can take some getting used to, which is why you may speak with a lisp during your first days. However, most of our patients quickly adapt and appreciate that Invisalign is ultimately less bulky than metal braces.
4.) Your teeth can remain pearly white.
Metal braces are notorious for collecting food particles after every meal. Over time, this buildup can cause cavities and staining. When your braces are finally removed (usually after years of treatment) do you want to be left with unsightly stains? With Invisalign clear aligners, you get to avoid all the wires and brackets that make tooth staining more likely.
5.) It’s easier to brush and floss your teeth.
Patients with braces may neglect their teeth during orthodontic treatment. This is especially true among younger patients, such as children, who may not understand the full consequences of their actions.
Since caring for your teeth is more of a hassle with braces, even adults may drop certain healthy habits such as flossing. When wearing braces you have to thread the floss underneath the wire to gain access to the space between your teeth. This action must be repeated for each tooth in order to maneuver around each glued-on bracket.
Flossing with Invisalign is easy. Simple take out your aligner and floss your teeth as normal. Invisalign helps you maintain your current oral hygiene routine so that your teeth can stay healthy during and after orthodontic treatment. As a result, your dentist may recommend Invisalign to straighten teeth without braces.
Dr. Yun DDS and his team at NorthPointe Family Dental are always happy to boost the self-esteem of their patients through Invisalign and other cosmetic dentistry services. If you are interested in receiving Invisalign treatment, schedule an appointment with our Grand Rapids Invisalign dentist at (616) 288-6134.